Tuesday 31 December 2013

Eco Friendly Homemade Cleaners

Over the weekend I participated in a science fair. The topic I chose to present was eco-friendly cleaners.
The project turned out to be a success and I got 1st place!
Here is how to make your own homemade cleaners:

All Purpose Cleaner:
Mix 1/2 water and 1/2 water in a spray bottle.
(works as great as normal store bought cleaners)
Glass Cleaner:
Mix cornstarch, water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can add as much of the ingredients as desired.
Wonderful Baking Soda:
Sprinkle baking soda on places like the oven, dishwasher (between washes) or microwave overnight to remove dirt.

Store bought cleaners are harmful to the environment and to our body. The chemicals in a store bought cleaner are poisonous and flammable. But the homemade ingredients are not poisonous or flammable. There are lots of ways to make a homemade cleaner. These were only some of them. Tell me how your homemade cleaners work in the comments below!

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